Thursday, July 24, 2014

Beat Up The Beat!!

Hey Everybody!  I hope you're making your way closer to Friday…
Today's theme is going to be "Beat up the Beat"!!  Not sure if everyone remembers that from the MTV smash hit The Jersey Shore, but I sure do.  Lovin' Jerz and reppin' the Shore, no doubt son.  Basically when the gang would go out clubbing looking for chicks that were DTF they would pull out a few dance moves (most notably The Fist Pump) and exclaim that they wanted/needed to beat up the beat.  Well, I can't say that I will be doling out advice on dance moves…that's more a Cosmo or Teen Vogue thing and I don't want to steal their thunder, no sir.  No - instead today it will be a beat down on the POLICE BEAT going around the sports world today.  So here we go!
1.  One of the bigger collapses in a Major League Baseball career was carried out by one Chuck Knoblauch.  For those who didn't know, he got a ridiculous case of the yips while playing for the Yankees and essentially couldn't throw a fielded groundball from the second base slot to the first baseman.  It was painful to watch and I kinda felt bad for the guy, but he played for the Yankees so I didn't mind it as much.  He was arrested for "allegedly" assaulting his wife.  The Twins (who he used to play for before went on to pinstripes) were planning a nice Chuck Knoblauch Day or something along those lines…that has been cancelled.  Come On Twins!!! They said allegedly!!
2.  This is a short one.  Ray Rice is suspended for two games this season by the Roger Goodell Mafia.  Punch your lady friend to the floor in an Atlantic City elevator and you get two days off from work.  Something seems odd here on a few levels.  If you are going to have your employer suspend you for something you did at a casino (which it looked like he gave her a good one in that elevator) then you gotta do a little more than 2 games.  What message are we sending our kids?  Especially all of the kids in the casinos!!  On the other hand, if my wife pushes me down the stairs at the mall or something, I am pretty certain that her employer doesn't send her an email saying to take two weeks off, just saying.
3.  Justin Blackmon is currently a suspended NFL wide receiver who had a fantastic college career and ultimately wound up being a top 10 (if memory serves me right) draft pick at the NFL draft.  He was you guessed it arrested today for drug possession. Guess why he is a currently suspended NFL wide receiver...nailed it, drugs.  I hate these stories I really do because addiction issues in America do not get the attention they deserve. I know we are the master's of our own lives but sometimes it's not that simple. Be that as it may, it seems like Mr. Blackmon is on a 'can't stop won't stop campaign' and honestly as the younger folk say YOLO!!!  (You only live once)  but it might be cool to live once, to 85 with a few duckets in the buckets my friend.
4.  Mets lost 9-1 to the Brew Crew, ouchie....  Yanks won 4-2 in the BX against the Texas Rangers and we are now every so closer to the trade deadline.  Tomorrow, I will give you a sweet update on trade rumors, trades that have happened and my usual 10 minute update on all the cool points in sports.
Much love my friends! It's almost Friday!

Happy Watching!

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