Monday, December 1, 2014

When You're Dumb, Well You Know...You're Dumb

Happy Monday everybody! I hope the Turkey Day Weekend was kind to you.

So the Roger Goodell Mafia got it wrong...again, well sorta when it comes to basically everything but in this case the Ray Rice Indefinite Suspension ruling.  So it turns out that Goodell was completely all over the map when it came to how he approached the Rice situation BUT and I mean BUT if you want to see some kinda all over the map type stuff, you have to check out this interview ESPN put out with Ray's wife (then fiancĂ©e) Janay -

De Nile is not just a river in Egypt apparently. She states that she does not 'remember' most of the events that everyone is talking about.  Noteworthy - it's probably because Mr. Rice knocked you the f@&k out in the elevator and your brain is a little tired.  Did Goodell send Janay through the NFL concussion protocol? That my friends might be why she doesn't remember a darn thing and why she doesn't want to watch the elevator footage as she states in the interview.  Probably she is embarrassed as hell about her lack of memory during this time, I feel your pain. 

Come on NFL, get something right. As the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day...that seems to be a tough challenge for the NFL lately. Let's shoot for right once in a while...

Editor's Note - Turkeys look really angry all of the time...