Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tony Stewart Kills a Dude & Other Stuff

Tony Stewart Kills a Dude & Other Stuff

Welcome back from the weekend everybody!!  Apologies for the delay (missed Monday, but I was swamped after a very enjoyable weekend), but what can you do?  I mean really, want can you do?  Not much…

Anyways, let's jump right in here.  Raise your hand if you saw the clips of Tony Stewart run over a dude (Kevin Ward Jr.) from Saturday night.  Now, raise your hand if you think he ran him over on purpose.  I watched the clip a few times and as other drivers are flying by Ward (who by the way, got out of his car after a dust up and was walking around on the dirt track) it looked pretty suspicious when Stewart's dirt buggy comes smashing into Ward leaving him with fatal injuries.  I don't know what will become of Tony Stewart after this move but it does seem like he has some anger issues especially on the race track.  I really do not watch a lot of NASCAR (I just don't find it all that interesting), but from the highlights I have seen on SportsCenter and the like there are scuffles all the time.  I am not saying that Stewart intentionally hit Ward but watching the other cars dodge the human target and then Stewart a highly accomplished driver mows him down…something just seems fishy.  The local police has yet to charge Stewart with any wrongdoing, but they are continuing to investigate the situation.  How do you feel about it all?

Rapid Fire Sports Catch Up

I am throwing a new little segment to hit the main stories in the world of sports without inundating you with tons of words…Ah, I hate words…dumb!!

+  Former NBA #1 overall draft pick Greg "Old Man" Oden charged with felony level battery for punching out his girlfriend…ouchie

+  Rory McIlroy wins the PGA Championship win dramatic fashion on Sunday.  Watch out Tiger & Nicklaus…he's coming for you!  Oh and it was RAINY!!

+  Spanish international super star soccer player David Silva resigns with Manchester City…He is good and as a Man U fan I don't like this one bit…not one bit

+  Arsenal whips the butts of Man City at the Community Shield on Sunday (3-0)…It's kinda the start to the English soccer season…EPL this Saturday!!  Very excited for this to get started, missing soccer since the WC ended about a month ago!

That's all for now my friends!

Happy Watching!!


  1. Don't forget to mention the caution flag was up during that lap.

    -the guy raising his hand

  2. There's just a lot of evidence building up that he could have done less than run the guy over.
