Friday, September 26, 2014



Bill Simmons is an annoying Masshole sports commentator who primarily focuses on the hottest story of the day and pontificates on TV, Internet and the like.  He loves the Red Sox and the Patriots, but all in all he actually does a great job of providing some really solid insight into issues that come across the sports world.  If you have not heard of him before he is the editor in chief of Grantland (  and he is a long time contributor to and various shows on the network.  

Despite all of his fandom shortcomings, he is actually a very decent writer and a pretty solid sports commentator.  Do I agree with all of his views - NO.  Do I think that's kinda the point of sports commentary - YES.  

In the world we live in where everyone and anyone can throw stuff out into the giant hole known as the Internet (or as I like to call it at times - Innernet) - Yes, grilled cheese sports included - is it really fair to suspend a writer for 3 weeks because we don't like what he said (in writing or on the air)?  Is Roger Goodell a liar as Simmons states?  You bet your buns he is.  Is Goodell trying to play this whole Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, (insert abusive football player) saga like he never knew how bad this whole thing was and then pretending that the media made him out to be a monster?  Again we don't have proof and that's where Bill gets in trouble.  You can't make a claim about someone in the media and present it as fact without proof.  I can say Roger Goodell is pretty much probably lying about what he knew when he knew in the Ray Rice case.  See how I did that there?  Subtle nuance...

Happy Friday my friends.  Less hating, more love...also side note - less punching - Weekend is almost here.

Also! Congrats G-Men, you actually looked like a football team last night.  Also, Derek Jeter has rabies.  Everyone needs to get knocked down a peg.  But seriously, congrats Jeter - 20 years as a Yankee is very, very impressive.


1 comment:

  1. I agree that it's ridiculous that he was suspended. I understand slandering someone, but what about freedom of speech? Now there is a nuance for you...
