Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Things Are About to Get Hairy, Very Hairy!!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!  I hope everyone's Halloween weekend was filled with ghosts, ghouls, good costumes and great times.  The clocks went back an hour (in case you didn't realize), the weather at least here in the northeast got cooler and most importantly November is finally upon us!  It's a magical time for sports, food and revelry.  Thanksgiving = more food, 3 Thursday football games, random NBA games and more food.  The MLS playoffs are in full swing, Red Bulls won again (twice in 4 days on Sunday at Red Bull Arena), I was there and a lot of fun.  I highly recommend checking out their next playoff game…there will be more!  Continuing on with the awesomeness of November is how the college football playoffs/bowl series will shape up as the rivalry game flood the weekends and every game means so much more…exciting.  The FOOD, oh the FOOD of November!!  Turkey, mashed potatoes, candied yams, cranberry sauce from a can with the little can ribs on the sides, pumpkin pie (not really a pumpkin latte guy though) and of course stuffing - massive amounts of stuffing…all kinds of stuffing.

BUT what really got me excited about the turn from October to November this past weekend was the start of GROVEMBER!! For those of you who are unaware of this exciting charitable endeavor it is like Movember where you grow a mustache for the month and raise money for a good cause. BUT in GROVEMBER you grow the whole beard.  I am participating to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House of New York which offers a ton of services for families who have children fighting cancer.  Hit me up for details if you want to donate and help some really great kids!!

I am only a few days in so the growth is not extremely strong but it will get there.  While thinking about the combination of sports and beards a new world of wackiness was opened. So let's take a look around and exhibit some of the best and gnarliest beards out there!!


Brad Kreisel of the Pittsburgh Steelers, it's been a thing for a while and is quite legendary as far a beards in sports go - 

Next on the list is Brian Wilson most recently of the Los Angeles Dodgers has been working this jet black (pretty sure it's dyed) beard with reckless abandon.  Pair with crazy Mohawk and he is a sight to be seen on the mound late in games - 

Johnny Damon had the Captain Caveman thing going when he patrolled the outfield for the Boston Red Sox when they made one of the most improbable comebacks in MLB playoff history against the rival New York Yankees - 

Timmy Howard keeps the USMNT in most games with his quick reflexes and uncanny ability to always seem to positioned properly in goal.  He also had this lately...not one of my favorites - 

BUT it's way better than this one rocked by Captain Lou Albano of WWF fame in the 1980's- 

That's all I have for now...when mine grows out a bit more I'll throw it up there for humiliation purposes especially compared to these beasts!!

Happy Growing My Friends and enjoy the fall!!



  1. looking forward to when your beard gets past the 'pointy' stage....but please shave it before it becomes captain lou-esque!

  2. I am sure that there is some place in between.
