Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Long Day, Only Tuesday - Pain is on the Horizon

Good evening to the insomniacs out there and good morning rest of you!  It's Tuesday night and the feeling's right for a little baseball round up.  I have been awake mostly since 4:15 this morning (not by choice) and have learned a lot about myself and early morning television programming in the process.  

The early morning is actually a great time to catch up on sports broadcasting...SportsCenter (SC) is more streamlined because they assume that if you're watching at 4:17AM that you are either getting up really early for work and don't have time for those ridiculous fluffy, sob pieces they do about the local cheerleaders who can't make the trip to "nationals" because they didn't sell enough bundt cakes...OR they assume that you have meth induced insomnia (which I do not have), but just the regular inability to sleep for more than 4 hours at a time.  What ever the reason is, I really, really enjoy this early morning SC.  The issue comes around at lunch time when you have been up since 4:15 and the only takeaway is that you really know how the Milwaukee Brewers pitching staff is sucking lately or that last night (Monday) the Yankees committed 5 errors in one game.  It's cool and all but man does it make simple tasks like working the microwave in the break room tough.  Time to give up that habit.

Let's dive in to what is new and relevant in the sports world - 

1.  This - http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/26077901/nationals-fan-shows-off-very-curly-w-beard-on-instagram  It's pretty cool and while my beloved New York Mets are fighting off the Nats for a playoff spot, how can you hate on this guy.  This exemplifies determination and fanhood about as best as you can.  And I hope he subscribes to the Movember movement which is right around the corner...my wife is cringing already. Remember this one? (2013) - 

2.  Donald Sterling backtracks again.  Doesn't want to sell the LA Clippers, hates wife (I get it), hates anyone who is black (I don't get it), and is suing anyone who has called his direct line in the past 3 years.  What is the process these days for determining insanity?  I get it that he is old...I can only imagine the stupid things I will probably think are real when I am old.  (I have watched more Scooby Doo and Spongebob Squarepants than anyone in their right mind should).  What I don't get about his whole thing is this - 1.  You seemingly hate African-Americans. 2. You are old and do not really need the money from the sale of the team.  3.  You hate African-Americans and you own a professional basketball team.  4.  I don't even know how numbers 1 and 3 coexist for this long...he has owned the team since 1981.  No one knew about this until now??

3.  This will be my last one and a quick one - the Yankees traded Yangervis Solarte for Chase Headley and $1MM.  Pretty cool if your Solarte, the Yankees are directionless without Tanaka and CC...and it won't get much better when A-Roid comes back next year and what's also pretty awesome for Solarte...well it's two fold - you got traded for a legitimate baseball player in thirdbaseman Headley but you were valued so much that the other guys threw in a cool $1MM just to make it all seem right.  That's pretty awesome.  I would love to move jobs to a different bank and the acquiring bank throws in a $1MM to make that move happen.  Good luck to all and Solarte gets to play in sunny San Diego...the home of Ron Burgundy and sunshine.

That's all I have for you tonight...the Yankees are in the 80th inning and the Mets are just getting started.  Hope you all have a great night and a happy Wednesday.

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Happy watching!


  1. First, I think you should start taking melatonin! That will help you sleep...though I have no idea since I clearly have no problems with that.

    Also, I support Movember...but please don't get that beard. Seriously. That will take years by that time, you will then be entering into the 'my dad is embarrassing' phase for Penelope...and I won't be able to help you on that one...

  2. Yeah... that curly W beard was EPIC!!!!!!!!!! (and not just b/c I am a fan of the Nats .... but also b/c I am a fan of men with crazy facial hair!) Go for it, Shaun!! ;)
